All patients at IMT Wellness Center undergo a comprehensive evaluation utilizing IMT diagnostics and assessment tools. Upon completion of the evaluation, an IMT practitioner develops an individualized treatment plan. A typical IMT treatment plan integrates IMT, advanced Physical Therapy, nutritional counseling, body-based psychotherapeutics, and various advanced therapeutic technologies.
IMT treatment techniques are manual (hands-on), and generally involve gentle manipulative techniques to promote tissue repair, normalize structure and restore function. Unique to IMT is the integration of manual therapy techniques for all systems in the body (i.e. bone, nerve, fascia, muscle, organ, lymph and circulatory systems). As each tissue type in the body has unique requirements for healing, tissue specific techniques are used to yield optimal results. Often, multiple systems are addressed to facilitate recovery, as a dysfunction in one system may influence or be influenced by a problem in another system.
The following Recovery Programs incorporate a comprehensive program of Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT) and Diagnostics, nutritional wellness and Functional Medicine, Functional Rehabilitation, state-of-the-art modalities such as Heat and Cold Laser and Sole Supports® orthotic technology, and more. Practitioners at the IMT Wellness Center in Connecticut have been practicing IMT since its inception in the early 1980’s. The Clinical Program at IMT involves a holistic approach where practitioners work collaboratively to develop the optimal treatment program for each individual client. During treatment, the IMT practitioner team spends ample time with the client and their family to review and educate on the specific Recovery Program for that individual. The ultimate goal for each client is greater health and wellness, optimal functional outcomes and improved potential.
Offering a new approach to health care developed to address the needs of complex patients.