We’re sure you’ve heard the word complications when referring to medical procedures or drug treatments. Why is that you might ask? Perhaps it’s because the human body which is made up of many parts and systems is meant to function as a whole. When one system or part is compromised the rest of the body responds to compensate so that the whole continues to function, for a short period of time this may work till the original compromised system or part has healed and the whole returns to normal function. An example of this might be that some one breaks an ankle, medical treatment is administered and the bodies healing process begins, during that process the person is walking with a crutch or crutches causing changes in the alignment of the body, this can cause muscle changes in different parts of the body. Perhaps with the change in alignment pressure may be put on the kidney or liver, perhaps the spine pinches a nerve causing numbness or pain. This process goes on and on. These other malities are called complications. The holistic approach considers the affected area and the treatment in consideration of the whole body so as to minimize or avoid complications.
Offering a new approach to health care developed to address the needs of complex patients.